El latón de cobre niquelado del bloque de terminales estañado es con tornillos

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Bloque de terminales de latóN T003

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Copper Brass Nickel Plating Tinned Terminal Block with Screws

parametros de producto
El artíCulo No.Los medios Spec.L1(mm) L2 (mm) Los tornillos de M De diáMetro ΦComentario
T003-0609/4 4 6×9 El 71,5 58.5 M4 5.2 T003-0609/4B   T003-0609 azul/verde 4G.
T003-0609/6 6 6×9 84.5 El 71,5 M4 5.2 T003-0609/6B    T003-0609 azul/verde 6G
T003-0609/8 8 6×9 97.5 84.5 M4 5.2 T003-0609/8B    T003-0609 azul/verde 8G.
T003-0609/10 10 6×9 110.5 97.5 M4 5.2 T003-0609/10B  T003-0609 azul/verde 10G
T003-0609/12 12 6×9 123.5 110.5 M4 5.2 T003-0609/12B  T003-0609 azul/verde 12G
T003-0609/14 14 6×9 136,5 123.5 M4 5.2 T003-0609/14B  T003-0609 azul/verde 14G
T003-0609/16 16 6×9 149,5 136,5 M4 5.2 T003-0609/16B   T003-0609 azul/verde 16G
T003-0609/18 18 6×9 162,5 149,5 M4 5.2 T003-0609/18B   T003-0609 azul/verde 18G
T003-0812/4 4 8×12 73.5 60.5 M5 6 T003-0812/4B     T003-0812 azul/verde 4G.
T003-0812/6 6 8×12 88.5 75.5 M5 6 T003-0812/6B     T003-0812 azul/verde 6G
T003-0812/8 8 8×12 103.5 90.5 M5 6 T003-0812/8B      T003-0812 azul/verde 8G.
T003-0812/10 10 8×12 118,5 105.5 M5 6 T003-0812/10B    T003-0812 azul/verde 10G
T003-0812/12 12 8×12 133.5 120,5 M5 6 T003-0812/12B    T003-0812 azul/verde 12G
T003-0812/14 14 8×12 148,5 135.5 M5 6 T003-0812/14B    T003-0812 azul/verde 14G
T003-0812/16 16 8×12 163.5 150.5 M5 6 T003-0812/16B    T003-0812 azul/verde 16G
T003-0812/18 18 8×12 178,5 165,5 M5 6 T003-0812/18B    T003-0812 azul/verde 18G
Copper Brass Nickel Plating Tinned Terminal Block with Screws


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Copper Brass Nickel Plating Tinned Terminal Block with Screws


Copper Brass Nickel Plating Tinned Terminal Block with Screws

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Copper Brass Nickel Plating Tinned Terminal Block with Screws


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